
Groups the currently selected objects.

Command constructor


Locked and unlocked objects. You cannot group locked and unlocked objects together. All objects in a group must have the same lock status; otherwise PGroup throws a CQ_MIXED_LOCK exception.

How grouping affects the drawing order. A group is considered an object and has a drawing-order number like any other object. When you group, the objects within the group retain their stacking order in relation to each other, but their drawing-order numbers always follow the group number.

For example, on a page with four objects, suppose you group the first and fourth objects. The objects numbered 2 and 3 each move down in the drawing order (becoming 1 and 2); the group becomes the new object number 3; and the two objects in the group become numbers 4 and 5.

Example. The following example selects the first- and fourth-drawn objects and creates a group of the two objects.


See also

The PUngroup command

The PGetGroupList, PGetObjectIDListTop, and PGetSelectIDListTop queries

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Arrange > Group

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